Make sure to read the rules below

Heads = 20,000 Gralats
Bodies = 10,000 Gralats
Shields = 2,500 Gralats
Swords = 1,000 Gralats

1. NEVER save anything as jpg! It ruins the image and will not be accepted by the uploading website. Only png and gif are accepted ( note: the website will NOT add transparency to your image if it is a gif so make sure you have done this yourself)

2. Keep everything appropriate. Meaning no profanity, nothing drug related, nothing sexual, nothing racist, nothing sexist, no guns and in game Graal sprites

3. Draw everything yourself. Do not use Google'd images, do not use game sprites, do not use predefined textures, or anything like that. Also, nothing that would be copyright protected. Such as things you would find in a specific anime, video game, or movie.

4. No shields that can be worn as hats, heads, or bodies. Meaning no glasses, masks, hairstyles, or anything like that--even if you drew it yourself.

5. Do not send in repeated graphics or multiple recolors. Meaning, if a shield was already uploaded, don't rename it just to have a copy under your name. A few recolors may be nice but we don't need to upload every shade of the rainbow off of one kind of shield.

6. Do not exceed image sizes past 512 x 120. A lot of big images such as wings, in most cases, are rejected. If your wings do fit into the guidelines then we can accept them. Also, only small animated shields can be accepted.

7. Do not name your files after existing files. Or do not upload files under the same name (such as a sword and shield under the exact same name). If you want to update a shield, have us delete the original one and upload the new one under a different name. Do not use any symbols in file names except - and _. And keep file names appropriate. Please limit your file names to 24 characters (not including the .png).
8. The uploaders are NOT in charge of uploading the following: Hats, bodies, heads, furniture, levels, or anything else! Only swords and shields are accepted at this moment!

9. We do not convert images into shields for you or draw shields for you. You draw everything yourself. We don't do touch ups either. Also, everything is uploaded in order. Do not ask us to upload something before someone else, because they may have been waiting a long time!

10. Please use the templates we provide! Adding color to one side of the template does not actually change it. Also do not keep text or extra space outside the templates. Templates can be found at

11. Any shields and swords that pass 20kb will be deleted and reimbursed.